Technology and Equipment
Technology throughout the world is quickly advancing, and Glassboro PD attempts to utilize these advances to ensure the safety of both our officers and the communities we’re sworn to protect. Through both technology and equipment, our officers are well prepared to tackle the variety of challenges they may encounter.
Some of the department's technological advancements and equipment upgrades include:
Body Cameras issued to all officers
Less-Lethal Conductive Energy Devices (Tasers) issued to patrol officers
Mobile Data Terminals in each patrol vehicle
License Plate Reader Technology
Access to hundreds of surveillance cameras throughout the Borough thanks to community partnerships.
Ballistic helmets, shields, and breaching equipment available to all officers
Tactical Operation Equipment for Glassboro Police Entry and Operations Team
CAT and IFAK (personal trauma and first aid kits) issued to all officers
Advanced weaponry and equipment available to all officers.
“SIMS” simulated firearms equipment to provide “real-life” experience in training scenarios
Drones to assist in Emergency Management situations
Replacement and Upgraded Police Vehicle Program
We maintain our own range and training facility, including two 100 yard firearms ranges and a climate controlled range house and classroom area.